Frequent Seller Rate is more like a loyalty reward that pay high exchange rate for bulk volume users.

How to become a Frequent Seller?

To become a Frequent Seller, all you need to do is make 2 bulk volume trades every month. Once you make two bulk volume orders in any month, you will be added to the frequent seller list and you can start enjoying higher rate.

When Frequent Seller Rate is Applied?

You will get to see frequent seller rate on first page of order, however it will only be applied to your order when you click on Review Order button.

What Happens If I Don't make 2 Bulk volume trades in any Month?

If you do not make 2 bulk volume in any month, you will be removed from the frequent seller list and you can always make 2 bulk orders in any month to get listed again. It's that simple.

Do I Get Removed Every Month If I Am Active?

No, once you are added to the list and you keep making at least 2 bulk orders every month, you will always be paid at bulk volume rates.

Do I Get Paid Bulk Volume Rate Even if My Order is below Bulk Volume?

No, normal rate will apply if your order is below bulk volume whether you are on the list or not.

Can i Get a Private Wallet Address as a Bulk Volume User in other to send multiple low quantity coin value.

You can contact support regarding this.